Saturday, June 4, 2011

Curls galore

Last night while going through my stash of sex and city episodes i came across the one where Mr.Big has got engaged with Natasha leaving Carrie high and was a delight watching that episode again especially the part where Carrie has an epiphany about curly haired girls....."There are simple girls and there are Katie girls....I'm a Katie girl" she says quoting from "The way we were".....I totally relate to this as I'm a Katie girl too through and through....

People have bad hair days I have had an entire bad hair adolescence....before that i couldn't care much so i don't know....but i do know my mum used to get my hair cut every time they would grow longer than my ear lobes coz she hated the fact that they curled and became a mess....someone told her if she keep getting them cut my hair would become straight.....i hated my hair growing up coz no matter what i did to them they would just look messy (this was when the messy look was not in)..... and if you are growing up with a sister who had the picture perfect thick long straight black hair you can imagine the nightmare....she could roll out of the bed and still looked completely poised and i would spend hours doing my hair and still have someone say " its time to leave why don't u go brush your hair" Grrrr

Even when i was in college i would wait for dry weather days (very rare in bombay) just so they would not frizz up....My friends always joked about how my hair can tell the weather....Generally not a beauty conscious person i would spend a lot of time putting hair packs and what not on my hair....If you have seen the episode of friends where Monica goes to Barbados and faces hair nightmare you would know what i am talking about.....Our honeymoon was in Bali and i came back with what looked like an Afro on my head.....But after few years something wonderful happened....While living in New york i decided to go to this upscale place on 5th Avenue....The Italian guy who was my stylist that day gave me an advice i will never forget....

I was cribbing about how i hate my hair and i wouldn't mind getting them permanently straightened...when he said in his wonderful accent Are you kidding? I have women spending hundreds of dollars in here to make their hair look like yours. You have gorgeous curls..What?? they are anything but gorgeous I said running my fingers through my hair .... Phat he slapped my hand....stop are not supposed to touch your are ruining your brushing them no running your fingers through them....none of that...

And voila....from being a frizzy bushy mess my hair transitioned into perfect bouncing curls....that is a point of envy for everyone including the sister....i have so many people asking me have you got something done to your hair....and i go no they were always like this its just that i didn't know....All i had to do was not brush my simple and yet it took me 20 odd years to me thinking about life...and how sometimes whatever we do doesn't seem enough.....doesn't seem to set things straight (or curled)....sometimes its not what we are not doing....sometimes its what we are doing wrong....what we are doing as a habit and never questioning because it has been done all the time....sometimes we have to step back and analyse our every move.....sometimes we have to be brave enough to change the very foundation of our beliefs.....and then we shall witness the the very thing we were chasing was always with us....All we had to do was not brush....
the day i got million$ advice with a 100$ haircut.

My curls define me....I'm so glad i never got them dad used to say you are as twisted as your hair.....hes right.... I'm complicated and wild and unruly.....But if you just let me be i can be your crowning glory :)

I know I'm being very vain in this post.....what the heck I'm going to go ahead and post a pic too.....


  1. Same here... I love my curls too :)And my dear, just-for-ur-info u always looked gorgeous!!!

  2. Hey I love your hair! Don't know about past but right now they look awesome. I have been criticized equally on my hair style or always 'not combed' properly curly hair. Sometimes it hurts but then I like my hair so I just ignore people. Anyways, loved your blog and three cheers for all gals having curls.

  3. panny : thank you took me a long time to realise that :)

    komal : world be damned.....they r secretly jealous of us :)

  4. So here I go... I say you have the right curls, unlike mine. I cannot imagine leaving my hair open as i'd look like Sai Baba (the puttaparthy one). I like my curly hair but cannot get the right style for it.

  5. Wow, amazing post. Can relate so much

  6. Wow, amazing post. Can relate so much
