Thursday, December 30, 2010

Endless Eulogy

I talk. You phase out
You talk. I absorb
I promise. I forget
You remember. You act
I think just of me
You think of everyone and me
I'm confused you are sorted
You are nonchalant I'm besotted
I'm crabby you are crabbier
I'm crazy you are sober
You like to call a spade a spade
I indulge in ridiculous charade
I falter I regress
You help me back don't let me digress
I'm messy you are clean
You are forgiving I'm mean
I'm selfish you are kind
I delay you make up your mind
I seek you escape
I hide you undrape
I cling you run
I run you wait till I'm done
I'm moon you are my golden sun
There is no one perfect analogy
You are my love
I'm your endless eulogy.

in case you are wondering what brought this on......six years back on new years I met my was arranged by our he had come to "see" me. Well all I can say is he came he saw and he conquered. So every new years I get bit nostalgic thinking about our firsts....first date first movie first kiss first goodbye so on and so forth. Six years and many more to come......

On that sappy note.... Happy new year y'all.....

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